Tunggadewi’s Vision
To improve educational level, raise living standards and increase personal skills through the utilization of suitable media and facilities, Tunggadewi foundation hopes with these qualities, we would be able to brighten the life and prosperity of the under previledge community.
Tunggadewi’s Missions
- To eradicate illiteracy in all areas of the community through a variety of non-formal education packages.
- To raise awareness to parents and communities regarding the importance of education for children as the nations future.
- To educate parents and communities about the importance of morals, norms and culture to children with the aim to improve their personalities and enhance their capabilities without losing their sense of national identity.
- To provide training and new skill set for the under previldge community, especially women, that will enable them to fulfill basic household needs and to enhance education to their children in order to improve living standards and prosperous Indonesian families.
- To provide immediate help and support to disaster victims through social activities, moral responsibilities and donations for disaster relieves.